Unique & Rare Images & Wallpaper Of Stone | City | Postage | Palace | Crystals | Agates | Museum | Church:

Spiral staircase, Vatican Museum Vatican City State

Interior of the Church of San Pietro in Banchi (1572-1585), Genoa


Mysore Palace

The Old Dharmatala around late 1940

A Journey to the Clouds

Unique, Rare Sphere Brown FLUORITE Crystal Cluster Mineral Specimen on Matrix

Madagascar Dendritic Agate

Fairburn Agates From Rapid City, South Dakota, United States

Scolecite is a tectosilicate mineral belonging to the zeolite group this sample has a very prominent acicular crystal habitFrom Nasik District, Maharashtra, India

Purple Botryoidal “Grape” Agate (Chalcdony) — Indonesia

Very rare specimen of Realgar included doubly terminated Calcite and Picropharmacolite sprays with Realgar crystalsJeipaiyu mine, China

Magnificent Polished High-Grade Koroit Boulder Opal from Australia

Deep red Canadian Amber from Cedar Lake, Manitoba, Canada

Quartz with phantom (probably a secondary copper mineral) Looks like an erupting volcano

Unusual and Fascinating details on this pyromorphite. This crystal group has pretty much the highest transparency on the specimenTouissit District, Jerada Province, Oriental Region, Morocco

Amazing Fluorite, Quartz Orange River, South Africa


Two Tanzanite Crystals in Cluster are Exceedingly rare from Arusha Region, Tanzania

Azurite – Malachite
Aprovechado mine, El Pinar De Bedar, Andalusia, Spain

Azurite – MalachiteAprovechado mine, El Pinar De Bedar, Andalusia, Spain


Nefertiti on Postage Stamp, Egypt 1956

By hdwalls

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